Friday 27 July 2012

International shipping. And outside in Melbourne.

Although it's raining today, the weather has been lovely in Melbourne lately and that means that we have had lots of time outside in the garden - me gardening, Darren mowing, and Miss 1 pestering the chickens.

The flowers are putting on quite a show.

Inside the house, I have been painting. Here's a sneak peak at the canvas that will be listing this weekend.

Antique White, Vines

If you've seen my FB, you'll know that I was most excited on Sunday to receive my first international order. Shipping on large notice boards within Australia is expensive enough as it is, so I'm extra pleased that someone loved my work enough to pay for shipping all the way to America.

I spent most of Monday lunchtime in the post office, where I thought that I'd be clever and remember to fill in the shipping form before lining up, only to discover that registered post has a different shipping form, so I had to go and fill that in and line up again. Sigh. My customer purchased 'Brown, Autumn' and I'm hoping that she loves the canvas when it reaches her next week.

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