Pinterest is an incredible resource full of activities, crafts, tutorials, recipes... but I find that I often pin a great idea and then forget to actually go back an do it in "real life". I found a DIY laser maze the other day and it was too good not to try out.
This is a really simple, cheap and quick activity to set up. Just grab some rolls of crepe streamers (my mother-in-law had donated me a whole pile) and some masking tape or painters tape. Tape the streamers high and low, adjust for difficulty depending on the child (Master 1 was a bit too fond of the bulldozer approach), and let them navigate the maze. Take a leaf from Big Bang Theory and sing Khachaturian's Sabre Dance just to add some drama. This is seriously fun and super easy to pack up too!
Nailed any Pinterest finds lately?
Find some more ideas for toddler and preschooler play.
What fun!